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Restore a Database or Collection from Queryable Legacy Backup

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Procedure
Legacy Backup Deprecated

MongoDB deprecated the Legacy Backup feature. Clusters that use Legacy Backup can continue to use it. MongoDB recommends using Cloud Backups. Effective 23 March 2020, all new clusters can only use Cloud Backups.

Atlas supports restoring a database or collection by querying a legacy backup snapshot.


Atlas does not support querying Cloud Backups.

You can use a queryable backup snapshot to export data for a database or a collection and restore to the target deployment. The following procedure connects to the queryable backup instance via an Atlas-provided tunnel.


You must ensure that the target Atlas cluster does not receive client requests during restoration. You must either:

  • Restore to a new Atlas cluster and reconfigure your application to use that new cluster once the new deployment is running, or
  • Ensure that the target Atlas cluster cannot receive client requests while you restore data.
Legacy Backup button

The Overview tab on the Legacy Backup page lists the project's clusters.

  • If backup is enabled for the cluster, the Status is Active.
  • If backup is disabled for the cluster, the Status is Inactive.

For the deployment whose backup you want to query, click the ellipsis in the Options column and select Query.

You can also click View All Snapshots to view its snapshots and click Query under the Actions column for the desired snapshot.

  1. Select the snapshot to query and click Next.
  2. Start the process to query a snapshot. You will be prompted to enter your Atlas password.
  3. Select Backup Tunnel as the connection method to the queryable snapshot.
  4. Select your Platform.
  5. Click Download Backup Tunnel.
  6. Uncompress the downloaded file.
  7. Open a terminal or command prompt and go to the uncompressed <tunnel> directory. Run the executable to start the tunnel.

    The default port for the tunnel is 27017. To change the port, use the --local flag, as in the following example:

    ./<tunnel executable> --local localhost:27020

    If you change the port, you must include the port information when connecting.

To export the data from a database:

Include the following mongodump options to connect to the tunnel:

  • --port set to the port for the tunnel.
  • --db set to the name of the database to export.
  • --out set to an empty directory to output the data dump.


    Ensure that the user running mongodump can write to the specified directory.

mongodump --port <port for tunnel> --db <single-database> --out <data-dump-path>

For example, to connect to a tunnel running on port 27020 to dump out data from the test database to the /mydata/restoredata/ directory:

mongodump --port 27020 --db test --out /mydata/restoredata/

mongodump outputs the test database files into the /mydata/restoredata/test/ directory.

If mongodump is not in your $PATH, specify the path for the tool when running the command.

To export the data for a collection:

Include the following options to connect to the tunnel:

  • --port set to the port for the tunnel.
  • --db set to the name of the database to export.
  • --collection set to the name of the collection to export.
  • --out set to an empty directory to output the data dump.


    Ensure that the user running mongodump can write to the specified directory.

mongodump --port <port for tunnel> --db <single-database> --collection <collection-name> --out <data-dump-path>

For example, to connect to a tunnel running on port 27020 to dump out data from the restaurants collection from test database to /mydata/restoredata/ directory:

mongodump --port 27020 --db test --collection restaurants --out /mydata/restoredata/

mongodump outputs the restaurants collection data into the /mydata/restoredata/test/restaurants.bson file.

To restore a single database:

Include the following mongorestore options:


To restore to an Atlas cluster, we recommend you connect with a DNS seed list connection string using the --uri option.

  • --uri set to the connection string for the destination cluster.
  • --db set to the name of the destination database.

If your password contains special characters, it must be percent-encoded.

Optionally, you can include the --drop option to drop the database in the destination cluster if the database already exists.

For example, to restore from the /mydata/restoredata/test directory to a new database restoredTest:

To restore a single collection:

Include the following mongorestore options:


To restore to an Atlas cluster, we recommend you connect with a DNS seed list using the --uri option.

  • --uri set to the connection string for the destination cluster.
  • --db set to the name of the destination database.
  • --collection set to the name of the destination collection.

Optionally, you can include the --drop option to drop the collection in the destination cluster if the collection already exists.

mongorestore --uri "mongodb+srv://" --db <destination-database> --collection <destination-collection> <data-dump-path/dbname/collection.bson> --drop

For example, to restore from the /mydata/restoredata/test/restaurants.bson data file to a new collection rest2 in the test2 database:

mongorestore --uri "mongodb+srv://" --db test2 --collection rest2 /mydata/restoredata/test/restaurants.bson --drop

Once you have finished, you can terminate the queryable instance:

  1. Click Backup in the left navigation pane and click the Restores & Downloads tab.
  2. Hover over the Status column for the target deployment item and click Cancel.
  3. Click Cancel Restore Job.

Restart your application and ensure it uses the new target cluster.

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