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Atlas Kubernetes Operator

On this page

  • What is Atlas Kubernetes Operator?
  • What Can You Do?
  • Get Hands-On Experience with Atlas Kubernetes Operator
Atlas Kubernetes Operator Beta Release

Atlas Kubernetes Operator is currently in a preview release.

Atlas Kubernetes Operator is a new service that integrates Atlas resources with your Kubernetes cluster. You can now deploy and manage the lifecycle of your cloud-native applications that need data services in a single control plane with secure enterprise platform integration.

To learn more, see Quick Start.

You can use Atlas Kubernetes Operator to manage resources in Atlas without leaving Kubernetes. You deploy Atlas Kubernetes Operator into Kubernetes clusters. Atlas Kubernetes Operator manages resources in Atlas based on Kubernetes custom resources. It ensures that the state of the projects, clusters, and database users in Atlas matches the configurations in each AtlasProject Custom Resource, AtlasCluster Custom Resource, and AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource that you create in your Kubernetes cluster.

Atlas Kubernetes Operator supports many advanced features within the Custom Resources, such as X509 authentication, private endpoints in Azure and AWS, and advanced multi-cloud and multi-region clusters.

Create your first cluster in Atlas with Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

See one of the following tutorials:

Configure Atlas Kubernetes Operator access to Atlas.
Manage resources.
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