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The compound operator combines two or more operators into a single query. Each element of a compound query is called a clause, and each clause consists of one or more sub-queries.

Documents in the result set are returned with a match score, which is calculated by summing the score that each document received for each individual clause which generated a match. The result set is ordered by score, highest to lowest.

compound has the following syntax:

2 $search: {
3 "index": <index name>, // optional, defaults to "default"
4 "compound": {
5 <must | mustNot | should | filter>: [ { <clauses> } ]
6 }
7 }

Each must, mustNot, should, and filter clause contains an array of sub-clauses. Use array syntax even if the array contains only one sub-clause. See the examples on this page.

compound uses the following terms to construct a query:


Clauses that must match to for a document to be included in the results.

Maps to the AND boolean operator.


Clauses that must not match for a document to be included in the results.

Maps to the AND NOT boolean operator.


Clauses that you prefer to match in documents that are included in the results. Documents that contain a match for a should clause have higher scores than documents that don't contain a should clause.

If you use more than one should clause, you can use the minimumShouldMatch option to specify a minimum number of should clauses that must match to include a document in the results. If omitted, the minimumShouldMatch option defaults to 0.

See an example.

Maps to the OR boolean operator.


Clauses that must all match for a document to be included in the results. filter clauses do not contribute to a returned document's score.


For example, you can replace the $match stage with the compound operator filter condition in the $search stage:

"$match": {
"role": { "$in": [ "CLIENT", "PROFESSIONAL" ] }

You can use the filter option instead:

$search: {
"compound": {
"filter": [{
"text": {
"query": ["CLIENT", "PROFESSIONAL"],
"path": "role"

See another filter Examples.

Any of the above clauses may contain query criteria using any top-level operator, such as term, search, or span.

The examples on this page use a collection called fruit which contains the following documents:

2 "_id" : 1,
3 "type" : "apple",
4 "description" : "Apples come in several varieties, including Fuji, Granny Smith, and Honeycrisp.",
5 "category" : "nonorganic",
6 "in_stock" : false
9 "_id" : 2,
10 "type" : "banana",
11 "description" : "Bananas are usually sold in bunches of five or six.",
12 "category" : "nonorganic",
13 "in_stock" : true
16 "_id" : 3,
17 "type" : "pear",
18 "description" : "Bosc and Bartlett are the most common varieties of
19 pears.",
20 "category" : "organic",
21 "in_stock" : true

The fruit collection has an Atlas Search index on the description field which uses the standard analyzer. The standard analyzer lower-cases all words and disregards common stop words ("the", "a", "and", etc).

The following example uses a combination of must and mustNot clauses to contruct a query. The must clause uses the text operator to search for the term varieties in the description field. For a document to match, it must fulfill the must clause. The mustNot clause performs a search operation for the term apples in the description field. For a document to match, it must not fulfill the mustNot clause.

2 {
3 $search: {
4 "compound": {
5 "must": [{
6 "text": {
7 "query": "varieties",
8 "path": "description"
9 }
10 }],
11 "mustNot": [{
12 "text": {
13 "query": "apples",
14 "path": "description"
15 }
16 }]
17 }
18 }
19 }

The above query returns the document with _id: 3 because its description field contains the word varieties and does not contain apples.

The following query uses must to specify search conditions which must be met and should to specify preference for documents containing the word Fuji. The $project pipeline stage excludes all document fields except _id and adds a score field, which displays the document's relevance score.

2 {
3 $search: {
4 "compound": {
5 "must": [{
6 "text": {
7 "query": "varieties",
8 "path": "description"
9 }
10 }],
11 "should": [{
12 "text": {
13 "query": "Fuji",
14 "path": "description"
15 }
16 }]
17 }
18 }
19 },
20 {
21 $project: {
22 "score": { "$meta": "searchScore" }
23 }
24 }

The above query returns the following results:

{ "_id" : 1, "score" : 0.6425117254257202 }
{ "_id" : 3, "score" : 0.21649497747421265 }

The document with _id: 1 has a higher score because its description field contains the word Fuji, satisfying the should clause.

In a query with multiple should clauses, you can use the miniumumShouldMatch option to specify a minimum number of clauses which must match to return a result.

The following query has one must clause and two should clauses, with a minimumShouldMatch value of 1. A document must include the term varieties in the description field and must include either Fuji or Golden Delicious in the description field to be included in the result set.

2 {
3 $search: {
4 "compound": {
5 "must": [{
6 "text": {
7 "query": "varieties",
8 "path": "description"
9 }
10 }],
11 "should": [
12 {
13 "text": {
14 "query": "Fuji",
15 "path": "description"
16 }
17 },
18 {
19 "text": {
20 "query": "Golden Delicious",
21 "path": "description"
22 }
23 }],
24 "minimumShouldMatch": 1
25 }
26 }
27 }

The above query returns the following result:

"_id" : 1,
"type" : "apple",
"description" : "Apples come in several varieties, including Fuji, Granny Smith, and Honeycrisp.",
"category" : "nonorganic",
"in_stock" : false

The document with _id: 1 matches the must clause and the first of the two should clauses.

filter behaves the same as must, except that the filter clause is not considered in a returned document's score, and therefore does not affect the order of the returned documents.

The following example uses nested compound clauses to construct a query. For this example, the fruit collection has an index on the type, category, and in_stock fields, whose text fields use the default analyzer. The query requires documents to only satisfy one of the following should clauses:

  • Contain the word apple in the type field.
  • Contain the term organic in the category field and have the value true in the in_stock field.
2 {
3 $search: {
4 "compound": {
5 "should": [
6 {
7 "text": {
8 "query": "apple",
9 "path": "type"
10 }
11 },
12 {
13 "compound": {
14 "must": [
15 {
16 "text": {
17 "query": "organic",
18 "path": "category"
19 }
20 },
21 {
22 "equals": {
23 "value": true,
24 "path": "in_stock"
25 }
26 }
27 ]
28 }
29 }
30 ],
31 "minimumShouldMatch": 1
32 }
33 }
34 }

The above query returns the following result:

"_id" : 3,
"type" : "pear",
"description" : "Bosc and Bartlett are the most common varieties of pears.",
"category" : "organic",
"in_stock" : true
"_id" : 1,
"type" : "apple",
"description" : "Apples come in several varieties, including Fuji, Granny Smith, and Honeycrisp.",
"category" : "nonorganic",
"in_stock" : false

The above document fulfills all the requirements for inclusion:

  • The document with _id: 3 matches the must clause nested within the second should clause.
  • The document with _id: 1 matches the first should clause.
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