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Resume or Delete an Atlas Search Index Draft

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  • Procedure

If you saved your Atlas Search index definition as a Create an Atlas Search Index, you can resume editing your index definition.


You can't create a new index when you have a pending index draft.


Click Databases in the top-left corner of Atlas to navigate to the Database Deployments page for your project.

  1. Click Cancel.
  2. Click Save Draft or Delete Draft.

Click Refine Your Index to make changes to any of the following settings and click Save Changes.

Field Name
Index Analyzer

Specify the analyzer to use for indexing the collection data. By default, Atlas Search uses the standard analyzer ("lucene.standard").

Corresponds to the analyzer setting.

Search Analyzer

Specify the analyzer to use when parsing data for the Atlas Search queries. By default, Atlas Search uses the standard analyzer ("lucene.standard").

Corresponds to the searchAnalyzer setting.

Dynamic Mapping

Specify dynamic or static mapping of fields. To disable dynamic mapping, set "dynamic": to Off. By default, dynamic mapping is enabled. If you disable dynamic mapping, you must specify the fields to index. To learn more about dynamic and static mappings, see Review Atlas Search Index Syntax.

Corresponds to the mappings.dynamic setting.

Store Full Document

The Atlas Search index storedSource option and $search returnStoredSource option are in preview, but can be used in production applications. If there are any syntax or behavior changes between the preview stage and general availability (GA), we will proactively communicate before introducing any breaking changes. The MongoDB Cloud Support team will help troubleshoot any issues related to using this feature as part of your contract.

Specify whether to store entire documents on Atlas Search for query-time lookups. If this is enabled, Atlas Search stores all the fields in the documents by default. You can exclude specific fields from storage on Atlas Search in the Field Mappings definition for the fields. To learn more about storing fields, see Define Stored Source Fields in Your Atlas Search Index.

Field Mappings

Required if dynamic mapping is disabled.

To add the fields to index, you must specify the following settings for each field:

  • Field name - Name of the field to index.
  • Enable Dynamic Mapping - Static or dynamic mapping to use. If you disable dynamic mapping, the data in the field isn't automatically indexed.
  • Store Original Value - Flag to store field on Atlas Search for query-time lookups. This is enabled by default if Store Full Document is enabled. However, you can toggle the setting to Off to exclude the field from storage. To learn more about storing fields, see Define Stored Source Fields in Your Atlas Search Index.


    The Atlas Search index storedSource option and $search returnStoredSource option are in preview, but can be used in production applications. If there are any syntax or behavior changes between the preview stage and general availability (GA), we will proactively communicate before introducing any breaking changes. The MongoDB Cloud Support team will help troubleshoot any issues related to using this feature as part of your contract.

  • Data Type Configuration - Field data type. To learn more about the supported data types and their options, see BSON Data Types and Atlas Search Field Types.

Unlike compound indexes, the order of fields in the Atlas Search index definition is not important. Fields can be defined in any order.

Corresponds to the mappings.fields setting.

  • Create Search Index if you are creating a default index.
  • Save Changes if you are creating a custom index.

A modal window appears to let you know your index is building. Click the Close button.


The newly created index appears on the Search tab. While the index is building, the Status field reads Build in Progress. When the index is finished building, the Status field reads Active.


Larger collections take longer to index. You will receive an email notification when your index is finished building.

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