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The following tutorials take you through the steps of setting up and querying an Atlas Search index.

To complete these tutorials, you must have the following:

  • The How to Use Autocomplete with Atlas Search tutorial describes how to create and query an Atlas Search index configured with an autocomplete field using the autocomplete operator. We will create the Atlas Search index on the sample_mflix.movies collection and index title field text values for autocompletion. We will run Atlas Search queries using the autocomplete operator to search the indexed field for a sequence of characters.
  • The How to Run Compound Queries with Weighted Fields tutorial describes how to create a dynamic index and run compound queries with custom scoring. The queries search the sample_mflix.movies collection and alter the relevance score of the documents in the result using constant, boost, and function options.
  • The How to Run Atlas Search Queries with a Date Range Filter tutorial describes how to create a dynamic index and run compound queries that use the range operator. The queries search the sample_mflix.movies collection for movies between a specified date range.
  • The How to Use Facets with Atlas Search tutorial describes how to create an index with a facet definition for the sample_mflix.movies collection and run queries against the faceted fields for results grouped by values and ranges in the specified, faceted fields, including a count for each of those groups.
  • The How to Run Partial Match Atlas Search Queries tutorial describes how to create an index on the sample_mflix.movies collection and run case-sensitive partial match queries against the indexed field using autocomplete, phrase, regex, and wildcard operators.
  • The How to Use Synonyms with Atlas Search describes how to add a collection that configures words as synonyms, create an index that defines synonym mappings on the sample_mflix.movies collection, and run Atlas Search queries against the title field using words that are configured as synonyms.
  • The How to Run Multilingual Atlas Search Queries describes how to create an index that uses a language analyzer and perform a multilingual search against the sample_mflix.movies collection. The queries search the sample_mflix.movies collection for full movie plots that contain a multilingual term.
←  Step 2: Run Atlas Search QueriesHow to Use Autocomplete with Atlas Search →
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