Save One LDAP Configuration
On this page
Saves an LDAP configuration for an Atlas project. This endpoint doesn't verify connectivity using the provided LDAP over TLS configuration details. To verify a configuration before saving it, use the Verify |ldap| Configuration endpoint.
- Explaining RFC 4515 and RFC 4516 falls out of scope of the Atlas documentation. Review these RFCs or refer to your preferred LDAP documentation.
- Groups and projects are synonymous.
have the same meaning. The unique identifier for your existing projects/groups remains the same. This endpoint and corresponding endpoints use the termsgroups
PATCH /groups/{GROUP-ID}/userSecurity
Request Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Necessity | Description |
GROUP-ID | string | Required | Unique 24-hexadecimal digit string for the Atlas project
associated with the LDAP over TLS configuration. |
Request Query Parameters
This endpoint might use any of the HTTP request query parameters available to all Atlas Administration API resources. All of these are optional.
Name | Type | Necessity | Description | Default | ||||||
pretty | boolean | Optional | Flag indicating whether the response body should be in a
prettyprint format. | false | ||||||
envelope | boolean | Optional | Flag indicating if Atlas should wrap the response in a JSON envelope. This option may be needed for some API clients. These clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query. For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:
| false |
Request Body Parameters
Name | Type | Necessity | Description | ||||||
authzQueryTemplate | string | Optional | LDAP query template that Atlas executes to obtain the LDAP groups to which the authenticated user belongs. This parameter applies only for user authorization. Use the {USER} placeholder in the URL to substitute the authenticated username. The query executes on a path relative to the host specified with hostname. The formatting for the query must conform to RFC 4515 and RFC 4516. This parameter uses the default value of {USER}?memberOf?base. Tip Pass an empty string to delete a previously assigned value:
| ||||||
bindPassword | string | Required | Password used to authenticate the bindUsername. | ||||||
caCertificate | string | Optional | Certificate Authority certificate used to verify the identify of the LDAP server. You may use self-signed certificates. Tip Pass an empty string to delete a previously assigned value:
| ||||||
ldap | object | Required | List of settings that configures LDAP over TLS for one
Atlas project. | ||||||
ldap.authenticationEnabled | boolean | Required | Specifies whether user authentication with LDAP is enabled. | ||||||
ldap.authorizationEnabled | boolean | Optional | Specifies whether user authorization with LDAP is enabled.
You cannot enable user authorization with LDAP without first
enabling user authentication with LDAP. | ||||||
ldap.bindUsername | string | Required | User DN that Atlas uses to connect to the LDAP server. Write in the format of a full DN:
| ||||||
ldap.hostname | string | Required | FQDN or IP address of the host that serves the LDAP
directory. This host must be visible to the internet or
connected to your Atlas cluster with VPC Peering. | ||||||
ldap.port | integer | Required | Port to which the LDAP server listens for client connections.
This parameter use a default value of 636. | ||||||
ldap.userToDNMapping | array | Required | Maps an LDAP username for authentication to an LDAP
Distinguished Name (DN). Each document contains a match
regular expression and either a substitution or
ldapQuery template used to transform the LDAP username
extracted from the regular expression. Atlas steps through
the each document in the array in the given order, checking the
authentication username against the match filter. If a match
is found, Atlas applies the transformation and uses the
output to authenticate the user. Atlas does not check the
remaining documents in the array. To learn more, see
The following example provides a match regular expression that matches all users and substitutes the username into the {0} argument of the substitution template to create an LDAP DN.
| ||||||
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].match | string | Required | Regular expression to match against a provided LDAP username.
Each parenthesis-enclosed section represents a
regular expression capture group that the
substitution or ldapQuery template can use. | ||||||
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].substitution | string | Required | LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) formatting template that converts the LDAP name matched by the match regular expression into an LDAP Distinguished Name. Atlas replaces each numeric value with the corresponding regular expression capture group extracted from the LDAP username that matched the match regular expression. Example
Each document in the ldap.userToDNMapping.match array must contain either a substitution or ldapQuery field, but not both. | ||||||
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].ldapQuery | string | Required | LDAP query formatting template that inserts the LDAP name matched by the match regular expression into an LDAP query URI. The formatting for the query must conform to RFC 4515 and RFC 4516. Atlas replaces each numeric value with the corresponding regular expression capture group extracted from the LDAP username that matched the match regular expression. Example
Each document in the ldap.userToDNMapping.match array must contain either a substitution or ldapQuery field, but not both. |
Response Elements
Name | Type | Description | |
authzQueryTemplate | string | LDAP query template that Atlas executes to obtain the
LDAP groups to which the authenticated user belongs. This
parameter applies only for user authorization. Use the
{USER} placeholder in the URL to substitute the
authenticated username. The query executes on a path relative to
the host specified with hostname. The formatting for the
query must conform to RFC 4515 and RFC 4516. This parameter uses the default value of
{USER}?memberOf?base. | |
caCertificate | string | Certificate Authority certificate used to verify the identify of the LDAP
server. You may use self-signed certificates. | |
ldap | object | List of settings that configures LDAP over TLS for one
Atlas project. | |
ldap.authenticationEnabled | boolean | Flag that indicates whether this projects can use user
authentication with LDAP. | |
ldap.authorizationEnabled | boolean | Flag that indicates whether this project has enabled user
authorization with LDAP. Enable user authentication with
LDAP then enable user authorization with LDAP. | |
ldap.bindUsername | string | User DN that Atlas uses to connect to the LDAP server. Write in the format of a full DN:
| |
ldap.hostname | string | FQDN or IP address of the host that serves the LDAP
directory. This host must be visible to the internet or
connected to your Atlas cluster with VPC Peering. | |
ldap.port | integer | Port on which the LDAP server listens for client
connections. | |
ldap.userToDNMapping | array | User to Distinguished Name (DN) mapping used to transform
an LDAP username into an LDAP Distinguished Name. | |
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].match | string | Regular expression used to match against the provided LDAP
username. Each parenthesis-enclosed section represents a
regular expression capture group used
by the substitution or ldapQuery template. | |
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].substitution | string | LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) formatting template that
converts the LDAP username matched by the match regular
expression into an LDAP Distinguished Name. | |
ldap.userToDNMapping[i].ldapQuery | string |
Example Request
This API resource only accepts UNIX line breaks (\n
) in the
caCertificate field.
1 curl --include --user "{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}" \ 2 --header "Accept: application/json" \ 3 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ 4 --digest \ 5 --request PATCH "{GROUP-ID}/userSecurity?pretty=true" \ 6 --data ' 7 { 8 "ldap": { 9 "authenticationEnabled":true, 10 "authorizationEnabled":true, 11 "authzQueryTemplate":"{USER}?memberOf?base", 12 "bindUsername": "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=atlas-ldaps-01,DC=myteam,DC=com", 13 "bindPassword":"MyldapPassWord", 14 "caCertificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n/QRxQEzTaMbmOeK3o9Vm+/IgBa9rtiPZPqSArq9jED+CY9bmrwzIDsA2ujA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", 15 "hostname":"", 16 "port":636, 17 "userToDNMapping" : [ { 18 "match" : "(.*)", 19 "substitution" : "CN={0},CN=Users,DC=atlas-ldaps-01,DC=myteam,DC=com" 20 } ] 21 } 22 }'
Example Response
Response Header
401 Unauthorized Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="MMS Public API", domain="", nonce="{nonce}", algorithm=MD5, op="auth", stale=false Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes} Connection: keep-alive
200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300 Date: {dateInUnixFormat} Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes}
Response Body
1 { 2 "ldap" : { 3 "authenticationEnabled" : true, 4 "authorizationEnabled" : true, 5 "authzQueryTemplate" : "{USER}?memberOf?base", 6 "bindUsername" : "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=atlas-ldaps-01,DC=myteam,DC=com", 7 "caCertificate" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n/QRxQEzTaMbmOeK3o9Vm+/IgBa9rtiPZPqSArq9jED+CY9bmrwzIDsA2ujA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", 8 "hostname" : "", 9 "port" : 636, 10 "userToDNMapping" : [ { 11 "match" : "(.*)", 12 "substitution" : "CN={0},CN=Users,DC=atlas-ldaps-01,DC=myteam,DC=com" 13 } ] 14 } 15 }