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Helm Charts Quick Start

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You can use Atlas Kubernetes Operator to manage resources in Atlas without leaving Kubernetes. This tutorial demonstrates how to create your first cluster in Atlas from Helm Charts with Atlas Kubernetes Operator.

This tutorial requires:

  • A running Kubernetes cluster

You can access the Atlas Kubernetes Operator project on GitHub:


Register a new Atlas Account or Login to Your Atlas Account.


You need the following public API key, private API key, and the organization ID information to configure Atlas Kubernetes Operator access to Atlas.

Create an API Key in an Organization and configure the API Access List.

You need the following public API key, private API key, and the organization ID information to configure Atlas Kubernetes Operator access to Atlas.

  • If you want Atlas Kubernetes Operator to create a new Atlas project, Create an API Key in an Organization and configure the API Access List.


    You must assign the API key the Organization Project Creator organization role or higher.

  • If you want to work with an existing Atlas project, Create an API Key for a Project and configure the API Access List.


    You must assign the API key the Project Owner project role.


Run one of the following sets of commands:

  • If you want Atlas Kubernetes Operator to watch all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster, run the following commands:

    helm repo add mongodb
    helm install atlas-operator --namespace=atlas-operator --create-namespace mongodb/mongodb-atlas-operator
  • If you want Atlas Kubernetes Operator to watch only its own namespace, set the --watchNamespaces flag to its own namespace, and run the following command:


    You can set the --watchNamespaces flag only to its own namespace. Setting the --watchNamespaces flag to any other namespace is currently unsupported.

    helm install atlas-operator --namespace=atlas-operator --set watchNamespaces=atlas-operator --create-namespace mongodb/mongodb-atlas-operator

The --set flags in the following example override the Values.yaml file values with your Atlas project name, organization ID, and API keys.


mongodb/atlas-cluster references the name of a chart in the repository.

Run the following command:

helm install atlas-cluster \
mongodb/atlas-cluster \
--namespace=my-cluster \
--create-namespace \
--set project.atlasProjectName='My Project' \
--set atlas.orgId='<orgid>' \
--set atlas.publicApiKey='<publicKey>' \
--set atlas.privateApiKey='<privateApiKey>'

Alternatively, you can clone the helm-charts project on GitHub, edit the Values.yaml file directly, and add your local directory with the following command:

helm repo add mongodb <your-updated-helm-charts-directory>

To learn more about the available parameters, see AtlasCluster Custom Resource.


Run the following command until you recieve a True response, which indicates the database user is ready:


The AtlasDatabaseUser Custom Resource waits until the cluster is ready. Creating a new cluster can take up to 10 minutes.

kubectl get atlasdatabaseusers atlas-cluster-admin-user -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status}'

Run the following command:


The following command requires jq 1.6 or higher.

kubectl get secret my-project-atlas-atlas-cluster-admin-user -o json | jq -r '.data | with_entries(.value |= @base64d)';

Your connection strings will differ from the following example.

"connectionStringStandard": "mongodb://admin-user:%25SomeLong%25password$,,",
"connectionStringStandardSrv": "mongodb+srv://admin-user:%25SomeLong%25password$",
"password": "%SomeLong%password$foradmin",
"username": "admin-user"

You can use this secret in your application:

- name: test-app
name: my-project-atlas-atlas-cluster-admin-user
key: connectionStringStandardSrv
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