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The Database Deployments view displays all database deployments in an Atlas project and features core metrics per database deployment. You can quickly view metrics in the available charts at a glance to assess database deployment health. You can then click into other views and metrics to identify specific issues. For more information about the Database Deployments view, see View All Database Deployments.

Monitor database deployment metrics to identify performance issues and determine whether your current database deployment meets your requirements. For more information on the metrics available to monitor your database deployments, see Review Available Metrics.

Atlas displays up to four of the following charts for each database deployment in the project:


Currently, serverless instance metrics don't support any third-party monitoring services (for example, Datadog).

Monitoring Data Storage Granularity

Atlas stores metrics data at increasing granularity levels. For more information, see Monitoring Data Storage Granularity.

Use Case

The total number of active connections to the database deployment

For a replica set, the chart shows the number of active connections to the primary.

For a sharded cluster, the chart shows the sum of all active connections to each primary in the cluster.

Monitor connections to determine whether the current connection limits are sufficient. If necessary, upgrade the cluster tier.

Data Size

Serverless Instances Only

Displays the amount of storage space in bytes that your stored data uses.

Monitor storage space to determine whether to use disk auto-scaling or manually increase the disk size. You can also monitor this metric to verify backup billing.


M10+ Clusters Only

The sum of read and write input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the cluster.

Monitor whether disk IOPS approaches the maximum provisioned IOPS. Determine whether the cluster can handle future workloads.

Disk Latency 1
The latency, in milliseconds, of the disk partition used by MongoDB.
Monitor Disk Latency to determine the average amount of time to read from or write to disk.

Disk Usage

Serverless Instances and M10+ Clusters Only

The total bytes of used disk space for the database deployment.

For a replica set, the chart shows the disk usage of the primary host machine.

For a sharded cluster, the chart shows the sum of disk usage on each primary host in the cluster.

The line graph is green for less than 75% disk usage, yellow for 75%-89% disk usage, and red for 90% or more disk usage.

Monitor the combined size of your data and MongoDB operational data (buffer, journal, and log files) on the cluster.

Logical Size

M0/M2/M5 Clusters Only

Displays the sum of total bytes of the documents and index data across all databases in the database deployment.

The line graph is green for less than 75% of the max storage size, yellow for 75%-89% of the max storage size, and red for 90% or more of the max storage size.

Monitor the size of the documents and index data on the database deployment.


Serverless Instances and M0/M2/M5 Clusters Only

Displays the average rate of physical bytes or requests sent to/from this database server per second over the selected sample period.
Monitor network metrics to track network performance.

Displays the aggregated read (R) and write (W) operations on the database deployment.

For a replica set, the chart shows operations for the primary.

For a sharded cluster, the chart shows the sum of the operations on each primary in the cluster.

Monitor performance issues related to high workloads.

Total Index Size

M10+ Clusters Only

The total bytes of disk space used by indexes for every database in the cluster.
Monitor the size of all indexes on your cluster.
Util % 1
The percentage of time during which the partition is receiving and servicing requests. This metric includes requests from all processes, not just MongoDB processes.

Monitor whether utilization is high. Determine whether to increase the provisioned IOPS or upgrade the cluster.

1 Clusters which use NVMe SSDs for storage display Disk Latency and Disk Util % charts using the maximum value across the physical drives that make up the RAID. The following cluster tiers display RAID-based metrics if they use NVMe:

  • M80
  • M200
  • M400
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