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Unsupported Commands in Atlas

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Atlas M0 free clusters and M2/M5 shared clusters don't support all functionality available to other clusters.


M0 free clusters and M2/M5 shared clusters don't support read or write operations on the admin database.

To learn more about M0/M2/M5 limitations, see Atlas M0 (Free Cluster), M2, and M5 Limitations.


Atlas returns the same error message for unsupported commands and invalid syntax. If Atlas returns an error, ensure that you use a supported command and verify the syntax. For more information and examples, see the database commands.

The following commands can be run with limitations in M0 free clusters and M2/M5 shared clusters:

  • Limits the maxTimeMs parameter to 300 seconds (300000).
  • Ignores the allowDiskUsage parameter.
  • Doesn't support $accumulator and $function operators.
  • Doesn't support the $where operator.
  • Limits the count operation on the local database to the system.replset and collections.
Doesn't support $where operator.
  • Doesn't support the $where operator.
  • Limits the find operation on the local database to the collection.
  • Limits the find operation to using an equality condition when querying the ns field in the collection on the local database.

    { "ns" : "" }

Limits execution to these two documents:

  • { "getParameter": 1, "authSchemaVersion": 1 }
  • { "getParameter": 1, "authenticationMechanisms": 1 }
Limits the db.killOp() method to to the MongoDB user who ran the operation.

Limits response to the following fields:

  • $clusterTime.clusterTime
  • $clusterTime.operationTime
  • $clusterTime.signature.hash
  • $clusterTime.signature.keyId
  • $clusterTime.signature
  • asserts.msg
  • asserts.regular
  • asserts.rollovers
  • asserts.user
  • asserts.warning
  • atlasVersion.gitVersion
  • atlasVersion.version
  • connections.available
  • connections.current
  • connections.totalCreated
  • extra_info.note
  • extra_info.page_faults
  • host
  • localTime
  • mem.bits
  • mem.mapped
  • mem.mappedWithJournal
  • mem.resident
  • mem.supported
  • mem.virtual
  • metrics.atlas.bytesInWrites
  • metrics.atlas.connectionPool.totalCreated
  • network.bytesIn
  • network.bytesOut
  • network.numRequests
  • ok
  • opcounters.command
  • opcounters.delete
  • opcounters.getmore
  • opcounters.insert
  • opcounters.query
  • opcounters.update
  • opcountersRepl.command
  • opcountersRepl.delete
  • opcountersRepl.getmore
  • opcountersRepl.insert
  • opcountersRepl.query
  • opcountersRepl.update
  • pid
  • process
  • repl.electionId
  • repl.hosts[]
  • repl.ismaster
  • repl.lastWrite.lastWriteDate
  • repl.lastWrite.majorityOpTime.t
  • repl.lastWrite.majorityOpTime.ts
  • repl.lastWrite.majorityWriteDate
  • repl.lastWrite.opTime.t
  • repl.lastWrite.opTime.ts
  • repl.primary
  • repl.rbid
  • repl.secondary
  • repl.setName
  • repl.setVersion
  • repl.tags.nodeType
  • repl.tags.provider
  • repl.tags.region
  • repl.tags
  • storageEngine.backupCursorOpen
  • storageEngine.dropPendingIdents
  • storageEngine.oldestRequiredTimestampForCrashRecovery
  • storageEngine.persistent
  • storageEngine.readOnly
  • storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads
  • storageEngine.supportsPendingDrops
  • storageEngine.supportsSnapshotReadConcern
  • uptime
  • uptimeEstimate
  • uptimeMillis
  • version

Limits to the following document:

{ "user": "<MYUSER>", "db": "admin" }

The following commands are unsupported:


The commands available for clusters of all other tiers, M10 and larger, correspond to the privileges defined for the built-in Atlas MongoDB roles.

See also:

To learn more about permissions, see Atlas User Privileges.

Limitation for mongorestore

M0 free clusters, M2/M5 shared clusters, and serverless instances don't support the --oplogReplay option and the --preserveUUID option for mongorestore.

Atlas doesn't support the $planCacheStats aggregation pipeline stage.

Atlas requires clients to authenticate to access an Atlas cluster. Atlas provides a curated list of Database User Privileges. These privileges provide access to a subset of MongoDB commands.

Atlas limits the db.killOp() method to the MongoDB user who ran the operation.

The following table lists the most common commands and shell methods that database user privileges do not support. To ensure cluster stability and performance, Atlas subsumes or restricts the functionality that these commands provide.

Shell Method
Privilege Actions
Shell Method
Privilege Actions
Limitation for mongorestore

M10+ clusters don't support the --preserveUUID option for mongorestore.

[1] This command is not supported on global write clusters only.

As an alternative, see the available Atlas User Roles.

[2](1, 2) You can call getUser for your own user account.

Atlas doesn't support the $planCacheStats aggregation pipeline stage.

MongoDB versions 4.2 and later do not support the following commands and methods:

Shell Method

Contact Atlas support if your use case requires access to a command that the Atlas database user privileges don't currently support.

Atlas serverless instances don't support the following database commands and mongosh shell methods:

Limitation for mongorestore

M0 free clusters, M2/M5 shared clusters, and serverless instances don't support the --oplogReplay option and the --preserveUUID option for mongorestore.

←  Atlas M0 (Free Cluster), M2, and M5 LimitationsCommands Available Only in Free Clusters →
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