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Atlas Device SDKs

Install the React Native SDK

On this page

  • Prerequisites
  • Use the SDK with Expo
  • Install the SDK in a Bare React Native App
  • Create a React Native Project
  • Install the SDK with npm
  • Enable Hermes
  • Resolve CocoaPods Dependencies
  • Extend Android Proguard Configuration
  • Enable TypeScript (recommended, but optional)
  • Install the @realm/react Library
  • Run the App
  • Create a React Native Project
  • Install the SDK Using NPM
  • Link the SDK's Native Module
  • Confirm the Link Step (Android)
  • Enable TypeScript (optional)
  • Run the App
  • Import the SDK

The Atlas Device SDK for React Native enables development of React Native applications using the JavaScript and TypeScript languages. React Native enables you to build cross-platform iOS and Android apps with a single codebase using the React framework.

Before getting started, ensure your development environment meets the following prerequisites. These are required for the latest version of the React Native SDK:


Realm JS v10.6.0 and Later Support Mac Catalyst

For React Native version 0.64 and below, you must take additional steps to build your application when using Mac Catalyst.

You can use the React Native SDK with a bare React Native app or Expo. This page and the React Native SDK documentation generally assume that you're using a bare React Native app and not Expo.

If you want to use the React Native SDK with Expo, check out the Bootstrap with Expo page.

Select the tab below that corresponds to your React Native version. Follow the steps to create a React Native project and add the React Native SDK to it.


Atlas Device SDK and Realm

The SDK uses Realm Core database for device data persistence. When you install the React Native SDK, the package names reflect Realm naming.


Create your React Native project with the following command:

npx react-native init MyApp

Change to the project directory that the previous command just created:

cd MyApp

In your React Native project directory, add the SDK to your project with the following command:

npm install realm


To use Hermes, your app must use Realm v11 or later and React Native 0.70.0 or later

The SDK supports React Native's mobile-optimized JavaScript engine, Hermes. By default, new apps created with the React Native CLI already have Hermes enabled.

We recommend that you use Hermes with the SDK. However, the SDK also supports the JavaScriptCore (JSC) engine if your app requires it.

Existing apps that currently use JSC can enable Hermes separately for Android and iOS. To learn how, see the Using Hermes guide in the React Native docs.


For the iOS app, fetch the CocoaPods dependencies with the following commands from your React Native project directory:

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

This downloads the SDK libraries and regenerates the project .xcworkspace file that you can work with in Xcode to run your application.


You may need to extend your Proguard configuration to use it with an Android app. In your Proguard configuration, add the following:

-keep class io.realm.react.**

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other features intended to make application-scale development more robust. If you'd like to use TypeScript in your project, follow the React Native team's official TypeScript and React Native guide. The SDK supports TypeScript natively and integrates easily into a TypeScript project.


@realm/react is an npm package that streamlines common SDK operations like querying, writing to a database, and listening for object change notifications. This reduces boilerplate code, like creating your own listeners and state management.

@realm/react provides access to the SDK through a set of providers that have various hooks. The hooks update React state when the data changes. This means that components using these hooks rerender on any changes to data in the database.


Use @realm/react with Realm JS Version 11 or later

To use Realm JS version 11.0.0 or later with @realm/react, you must use @realm/react version 0.4.0 or later.

In your React Native project directory, add @realm/react to your project with the following command:

npm install @realm/react

React Native enables simultaneous development of both an iOS and Android app that use the same React codebase. You can edit the .js or .ts source files in your project directory to develop your app.

In development, the apps read their React source code as a bundle from a local bundle server. To run the bundle server, use the following command in your React Native project directory:

npm start

With the bundle server running, you can now launch the Android and iOS apps:

  • To run the Android app, use Android Studio to open the android directory in your project directory and click Run.

  • To run the iOS app, use Xcode to open the .xcworkspace file in the ios directory. If you did not use CocoaPods during setup, open the .xcodeproj file in the ios directory instead. Once you have opened the project, click Run.


@realm/react Version Requirement

The @realm/react library requires react-native version >= 0.59. If you are developing using older versions of React Native, you can use the SDK without @realm/react. Since the React Native SDK documentation makes heavy use of the @realm/react package, you may want to refer to the Node.js SDK documentation.


Create your React Native project with the following command:

react-native init MyApp

Change to the project directory that the previous command just created:

cd MyApp

In your React Native project directory, add the SDK to your project with the following command:

npm install realm

In your React Native project directory, link the SDK's native module to your project with the following command:

react-native link realm

For Android development, confirm that the link step correctly added the SDK module to the Gradle configuration files. In some versions, React Native has been known to fail to link the SDK properly. If this happens, you can link the SDK manually by adding any missing lines below to the corresponding files.

First, ensure the android/settings.gradle file includes the SDK and specifies the SDK's project directory: = 'MyApp'
include ':realm'
project(':realm').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/realm/android')
apply from: file("../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/native_modules.gradle"); applyNativeModulesSettingsGradle(settings)
include ':app'

Second, ensure the android/app/build.gradle file's dependencies section declares the SDK as a dependency:

dependencies {
implementation project(':realm')
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+" // From node_modules
// ...

Finally, ensure the file imports the RealmReactPackage and instantiates it in its packages list.

import io.realm.react.RealmReactPackage; // Add this import.
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new RealmReactPackage() // Add this line.
// ...

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other features intended to make application-scale development more robust. If you'd like to use TypeScript in your project, follow the React Native team's official TypeScript and React Native guide. The SDK supports TypeScript natively and integrates easily into a TypeScript project.


React Native enables simultaneous development of both an iOS and Android app that use the same React codebase. You can edit the .js or .ts source files in your project directory to develop your app.

In development, the apps read their React source code as a bundle from a local bundle server. To run the bundle server, use the following command in your React Native project directory:

npm start

With the bundle server running, you can now launch the Android and iOS apps:

  • To run the Android app, use Android Studio to open the android directory in your project directory and click Run.

  • To run the iOS app, use Xcode to open the .xcworkspace file in the ios directory. If you did not use CocoaPods during setup, open the .xcodeproj file in the ios directory instead. Once you have opened the project, click Run.

Add the following line to the top of your source files where you want to use the SDK:

import Realm from "realm";


React Native SDK


Quick Start