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CRUD - Read - C++ SDK

On this page

  • Read Characteristics
  • Results Are Not Copies
  • Results Are Lazy
  • References Are Retained
  • Limiting Query Results
  • Pagination
  • Read Realm Objects
  • Query All Objects of a Given Type
  • Filter Queries Based on Object Properties
  • Supported Query Operators
  • Check the Size of the Results Set and Access Results
  • Read a Map Property
  • Read a Set Property
  • Sort Lists and Query Results

You can read back the data that you have stored in Realm by finding, filtering, and sorting objects.

A read from a realm generally consists of the following steps:

  • Get all objects of a certain type from the realm.

  • Optionally, filter the results.

Query operations return a results collection. These collections are live, meaning they always contain the latest results of the associated query.

Design your app's data access patterns around these three key read characteristics to read data as efficiently as possible.

Results to a query are not copies of your data. Modifying the results of a query modifies the data on disk directly. This memory mapping also means that results are live: that is, they always reflect the current state on disk.

Realm only runs a query when you actually request the results of that query. This lazy evaluation enables you to write highly performant code for handling large data sets and complex queries. You can chain several filter operations without requiring extra work to process the intermediate state.

One benefit of Realm's object model is that Realm automatically retains all of an object's relationships as direct references. This enables you to traverse your graph of relationships directly through the results of a query.

A direct reference, or pointer, allows you to access a related object's properties directly through the reference.

Other databases typically copy objects from database storage into application memory when you need to work with them directly. Because application objects contain direct references, you are left with a choice: copy the object referred to by each direct reference out of the database in case it's needed, or just copy the foreign key for each object and query for the object with that key if it's accessed. If you choose to copy referenced objects into application memory, you can use up a lot of resources for objects that are never accessed, but if you choose to only copy the foreign key, referenced object lookups can cause your application to slow down.

Realm bypasses all of this using zero-copy live objects. Realm object accessors point directly into database storage using memory mapping, so there is no distinction between the objects in Realm and the results of your query in application memory. Because of this, you can traverse direct references across an entire realm from any query result.

As a result of lazy evaluation, you do not need any special mechanism to limit query results with Realm. For example, if your query matches thousands of objects, but you only want to load the first ten, simply access only the first ten elements of the results collection.

Thanks to lazy evaluation, the common task of pagination becomes quite simple. For example, suppose you have a results collection associated with a query that matches thousands of objects in your realm. You display one hundred objects per page. To advance to any page, simply access the elements of the results collection starting at the index that corresponds to the target page.

To query for objects of a given type in a realm, pass the object type YourClassName to the realm::query<T> member function.

This returns a Results object representing all objects of the given type in the realm.

auto managedBusinesses = realm.objects<realm::Business>();

A filter selects a subset of results based on the value(s) of one or more object properties. Realm provides a full-featured query engine that you can use to define filters.

auto businessesNamedMongoDB = managedBusinesses.where(
[](auto &business) { return == "MongoDB"; });

Currently, the Realm C++ SDK supports the following query operators:

  • Equality (==, !=)

  • Greater than/less than (>, >=, <, <=)

  • Compound queries (||, &&)

Realm Results exposes member functions to work with results. You may want to check the size of a results set, or access the object at a specific index.

auto managedBusinesses = realm.objects<realm::Business>();
auto businessesNamedMongoDB = managedBusinesses.where(
[](auto &business) { return == "MongoDB"; });
CHECK(businessesNamedMongoDB.size() >= 1);
auto mongoDB = businessesNamedMongoDB[0];

Additionally, you can iterate through the results, or observe a results set for changes.

You can iterate and check the values of a realm map property as you would a standard C++ map:

auto employees = realm.objects<realm::Employee>();
auto employeesNamedTommy = employees.where(
[](auto &employee) { return employee.firstName == "Tommy"; });
auto tommy = employeesNamedTommy[0];
// You can get an iterator for an element matching a key using `find()`
auto tuesdayIterator = tommy.locationByDay.find("Tuesday");
// You can access values for keys like any other map type
auto mondayLocation = tommy.locationByDay["Monday"];

You can iterate, check the size of a set, and find values in a set property:

auto repositories = realm.objects<realm::Repository>();
auto repositoriesNamedDocsRealm = repositories.where([](auto &repository) {
return repository.ownerAndName == "mongodb/docs-realm";
auto docsRealm = repositoriesNamedDocsRealm[0];
// You can check the size of the set
auto numberOfPullRequests = docsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.size();
// Find an element in the set whose value is 3064
auto it = managedDocsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.find(3064);
// Get a copy of the set that exists independent of the managed set
auto openRealmPullRequests = docsRealm.openPullRequestNumbers.detach();

A sort operation allows you to configure the order in which Realm returns list objects and query results. You can sort based on one or more properties of the objects in the list or results collection. Realm only guarantees a consistent order if you explicitly sort.

Unlike using std::sort, Realm's sort implementation preserves the lazy loading of objects. It does not pull the entire set of results or list objects into memory, but only loads them into memory when you access them.

To sort, call the .sort() function on a list or results set with one or more sort_descriptors.

A sort_descriptor includes:

  • The desired key path to sort by, as a string.

  • A bool to specify sort order, where``true`` is ascending and false is descending.

In this example, we sort a results set on priority in descending order.

auto items = realm.objects<realm::Item>();
// Sort with `false` returns objects in descending order.
auto itemsSorted = items.sort("priority", false);

You can also sort a list or results set by multiple sort descriptors. In this example, we sort a list property on assignee in ascending order, and then on priority in descending order.

auto sortedListProperty =
specificProject.items.sort({{"assignee", true}, {"priority", false}});
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