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This page describes the conditions for which you can trigger alerts related to your database deployments. You specify conditions and thresholds when configuring alerts.


M0 free clusters and M2/M5 shared clusters only trigger alerts related to the metrics supported by those clusters. See Atlas M0 (Free Cluster), M2, and M5 Limitations for complete documentation on M0/M2/M5 alert and metric limitations.

The conditions in this section apply if you select Host as the alert target when configuring the alert. You can apply the condition to all hosts or to specific type of host, such as primaries or config servers.

Host has index suggestions

Sends an alert if Performance Advisor has index suggestions for the host.

If the query targeting ratio for a host is high for a period of 10 minutes, Performance Advisor checks the host for inefficient queries and possible indexes to improve performance. If Performance Advisor determines that the host benefits from one or more indexes, this alert triggers and directs you to create the suggested indexes.

This alert is only available for M10+ clusters, and is enabled by default for M10+ clusters that have Performance Advisor enabled. This alert does not trigger for clusters where Performance Advisor is disabled.

The following alert conditions measure the rate of asserts for a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's asserts document. You can view asserts through cluster monitoring.

Asserts: Regular is

Sends an alert if the rate of regular asserts meets the specified threshold.

Asserts: Warning is

Sends an alert if the rate of warnings meets the specified threshold.

Asserts: Msg is

Sends an alert if the rate of message asserts meets the specified threshold. Message asserts are internal server errors. Stack traces are logged for these.

Asserts: User is

Sends an alert if the rate of errors generated by users meets the specified threshold.

The following alert conditions measure the amount of CPU and memory used by Atlas Search processes. You can view Atlas Search metrics through cluster monitoring.

Atlas Search: Index Replication Lag is

Sends an alert if the approximate number of milliseconds that Atlas Search is behind in replicating changes from the oplog of mongod is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search: Index Size on Disk is

Sends an alert if the total size of all Atlas Search indexes on disk in bytes is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search: Number of Error Queries is

Sends an alert if the number of queries for which Atlas Search is unable to return a response is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search: Number of Index Fields is

Sends an alert if the total number of unique fields present in the Atlas Search index is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search: Number of Successful Queries is

Sends an alert if the number of queries for which Atlas Search successfully returned a response is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search: Total Number of Queries is

Sends an alert if the number of queries submitted to Atlas Search is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search Opcounter: Delete is

Sends an alert if the total number of documents or fields (specified in the index definition) removed per second is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search Opcounter: Getmore is

Sends an alert if the total number of getmore commands run on all Atlas Search queries per second is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search Opcounter: Insert is

Sends an alert if the total number of documents or fields (specified in the index definition) that Atlas Search indexes per second is above or below the threshold.

Atlas Search Opcounter: Update is

Sends an alert if the total number of documents or fields (specified in the index definition) that Atlas Search updates per second is above or below the threshold.

Insufficient disk space to support rebuilding search indexes

Sends an alert if your database deployment runs out of enough free disk space to support your Atlas Search indexes.

Search Memory: Resident is

Sends an alert if the total bytes of resident memory occupied by the Atlas Search process is above or below the threshold.

Search Memory: Shared is

Sends an alert if the total bytes of shared memory occupied by the Atlas Search process is above or below the threshold.

Search Memory: Virtual is

Sends an alert if the total bytes of virtual memory occupied by the Atlas Search process is above or below the threshold.

Search Process: CPU (Kernel) % is

Sends an alert if the percentage of time the CPU spent servicing operating system calls for the Atlas Search process is above the threshold.

Search Process: CPU (User) % is

Sends an alert if the percentage of time the CPU spent servicing the Atlas Search process is above the threshold.

Search Process: Disk space used is

Sends an alert if the total bytes of disk space used by the Atlas Search process is above the threshold.

Search Process: Ran out of memory

Sends an alert if the search process (mongot) runs out of memory. If the search process runs out of memory, indexing and queries fail.

The following alert conditions measure the average execution time of reads, writes, or commands for a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's opLatencies document. You can view asserts through cluster monitoring.

Average Execution Time: Commands is

Average execution time for command operations meets your specified threshold.

Average Execution Time: Reads is

Average execution time for read operations meets your specified threshold.

Average Execution Time: Writes is

Average execution time for write operations meets your specified threshold.

The following alert conditions measure the rate of database operations on a MongoDB process since the process last started, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's opcounters document. You can view opcounters through cluster monitoring.

Opcounter: Cmd is

Sends an alert if the rate of commands performed meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Query is

Sends an alert if the rate of queries meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Update is

Sends an alert if the rate of updates meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Delete is

Sends an alert if the rate of deletes meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Insert is

Sends an alert if the rate of inserts meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Getmores is

Sends an alert if the rate of getmore operations to retrieve the next cursor batch meets the specified threshold.

See also:

To learn more, see Cursor Batches in the MongoDB manual.

The following alert conditions measure the rate of database operations on MongoDB secondaries, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's opcountersRepl document. You can view these metrics on the Opcounters - Repl chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Opcounter: Repl Cmd is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated commands meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Update is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated updates meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Delete is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated deletes meets the specified threshold.

Opcounter: Repl Insert is

Sends an alert if the rate of replicated inserts meets the specified threshold.

Logical Size is

Sends an alert if the total size of the data and indexes is outside the specified threshold.

Applicable for Atlas Free Clusters Only

The following alert conditions measure memory for a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's mem document. You can view these metrics on the Atlas Memory and Non-Mapped Virtual Memory charts, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Memory: Resident is

Sends an alert if the size of the resident memory meets the specified threshold. It is typical over time, on a dedicated database server, for the size of the resident memory to approach the amount of physical RAM on the box.

Memory: Virtual is

Sends an alert if the size of virtual memory for the mongod process meets the specified threshold. You can use this alert to flag excessive memory outside of memory mapping.

See also:

To learn more, click the Memory chart's i icon.

Memory: Computed is

Sends an alert if the size of virtual memory that is not accounted for by memory-mapping meets the specified threshold. If this number is very high (multiple gigabytes), it indicates that excessive memory is being used outside of memory mapping.

See also:

To learn how to use this metric, view the Non-Mapped Virtual Memory chart and click the chart's i icon.

System Memory: Used is

Sends an alert if system memory usage meets the specified threshold.

System Memory: Max Used is

Sends an alert if the maximum system memory usage value meets the specified threshold.

System Memory: Free is

Sends an alert if the amount of free system memory drops below the specified threshold.

System Memory: Max Free is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of free system memory drops below the specified threshold.

System Memory: Available is

Sends an alert if the amount of available system memory drops below the specified threshold.

System Memory: Max Available is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of available system memory drops below the specified threshold.

The following alert condition measures connections to a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's connections document. You can view this metric on the Atlas Connections chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Connections is

Sends an alert if the number of active connections to the host meets the specified average.

Connections % of configured limit is

Sends an alert if the number of open connections to the host exceeds the specified percentage.

The following alert conditions measure operations waiting on locks, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's globalLock document. You can view these metrics on the Atlas Queues chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Queues: Total is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a lock of any type meets the specified average.

Queues: Readers is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a read lock meets the specified average.

Queues: Writers is

Sends an alert if the number of operations waiting on a write lock meets the specified average.

The following alert condition measures the rate of page faults for a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's extra_info.page_faults field.

Page Faults is

Sends an alert if the rate of page faults (whether or not an exception is thrown) meets the specified threshold. You can view this metric on the Atlas Page Faults chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

The following alert conditions measure the number of cursors for a MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's metrics.cursor document. You can view these metrics on the Atlas Cursors chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Cursors: Open is

Sends an alert if the number of cursors the server is maintaining for clients meets the specified average.

Cursors: Timed Out is

Sends an alert if the number of timed-out cursors the server is maintaining for clients meets the specified average.

The following alert conditions measure throughput for MongoDB process, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's network document. You can view these metrics on a host's Network chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

Network: Bytes In is

Sends an alert if the number of bytes sent to MongoDB meets the specified threshold.

Network: Bytes Out is

Sends an alert if the number of bytes sent from MongoDB meets the specified threshold.

Network: Num Requests is

Sends an alert if the number of requests sent to MongoDB meets the specified average.

The following alert conditions apply to the MongoDB process's oplog. You can view these metrics on the following charts, accessed through cluster monitoring:

  • Replication Oplog Window
  • Replication Lag
  • Replication Headroom
  • Oplog GB/Hour

The following alert conditions apply to the oplog:

Replication Oplog Window is

Sends an alert if the approximate amount of time available in the primary's replication oplog meets the specified threshold.

Replication Lag is

Sends an alert if the approximate amount of time that the secondary is behind the primary meets the specified threshold. Atlas calculates replication lag using the approach described in Check the Replication Lag in the MongoDB manual.

Replication Headroom is

Sends an alert when the difference between the sync source member's oplog window and the replication lag time on the secondary meets the specified threshold.

Oplog Data Per Hour is

Sends an alert when the amount of data per hour being written to a primary's oplog meets the specified threshold.

The following alert conditions apply to database storage, as collected for a MongoDB process by the MongoDB dbStats command. For details on how Atlas handles reaching database storage limits, refer to the FAQ page. These conditions are based on the summed total of all databases on the MongoDB process:

DB Storage is

Sends an alert if the allocated storage meets the specified threshold. This alert condition can be viewed on a host's DB Storage chart, accessed through cluster monitoring.

DB Data Size is

Sends an alert if approximate size of all documents (and their paddings) meets the specified threshold.

The following alert conditions apply to the MongoDB process's WiredTiger storage engine, as collected from the MongoDB serverStatus command's wiredTiger.cache and wiredTiger.concurrentTransactions documents.

You can view these metrics on the following charts, accessed through cluster monitoring:

  • Tickets Available
  • Cache Activity
  • Cache Usage

The following are the alert conditions that apply to WiredTiger:

Tickets Available: Reads is

Sends an alert if the number of read tickets available to the WiredTiger storage engine meet the specified threshold.

Tickets Available: Writes is

Sends an alert if the number of write tickets available to the WiredTiger storage engine meet the specified threshold.

Cache: Dirty Bytes is

Sends an alert when the number of dirty bytes in the WiredTiger cache meets the specified threshold.

Cache: Used Bytes is

Sends an alert when the number of used bytes in the WiredTiger cache meets the specified threshold.

Cache: Bytes Read Into Cache is

Sends an alert when the number of bytes read into the WiredTiger cache meets the specified threshold.

Cache: Bytes Written From Cache is

Sends an alert when the number of bytes written from the WiredTiger cache meets the specified threshold.

The following alert conditions measure usage on your Atlas server clusters:


Currently, Atlas uses a single partition for data, index, and journal files. Even though the alerts reference individual paritions, they point to the same metric.

System: CPU (Steal) % is

Applicable when the EC2 cluster credit balance is exhausted.

The percentage by which the CPU usage exceeds the guaranteed baseline CPU credit accumulation rate. CPU credits are units of CPU utilization that you accumulate. The credits accumulate at a constant rate to provide a guaranteed level of performance. These credits can be used for additional CPU performance. When the credit balance is exhausted, only the guaranteed baseline of CPU performance is provided, and the amount of excess is shown as steal percent.


Atlas triggers this alert only for AWS EC2 clusters that support Burstable Performance. Currently, these are M10 and M20 cluster types.

System: Max CPU (Steal) % is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage by which the CPU usage exceeds the guaranteed baseline CPU credit accumulation rate exceeds the specified threshold.

System: CPU (User) % is

The CPU usage of the MongoDB process, normalized by the number of CPUs. This value is scaled to a range of 0-100%.

System: Max CPU (User) % is

Sends an alert if the maximum CPU usage of the MongoDB process, normalized by the number of CPUs exceeds the specified threshold.

System Network In is

Sends an alert if the average rate of physical bytes received per second by the eth0 network interface reaches the specified threshold.

Max System Network In is

Sends an alert if the maximum number of bytes sent to MongoDB meets the specified threshold.

System Network Out is

Sends an alert if the average rate of physical bytes transmitted per second by the eth0 network interface reaches the specified threshold.

Max System Network Out is

Sends an alert if the maximum number of bytes sent from MongoDB meets the specified threshold.

Disk space % used on Data Partition is

The percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB collection's data.

To find possible solutions for this alert, see Alert Resolutions.

Max disk space % used on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB collection's data exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk space % used on Index Partition is

The percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB index data.

To find possible solutions for this alert, see Alert Resolutions.

Max disk space % used on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB index data exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk space % used on Journal Partition is

The percentage of disk space used on the partition that contains the MongoDB journal, if journaling is enabled.

To find possible solutions for this alert, see Alert Resolutions.

Max disk space % used on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of disk space used on the partition that contains the MongoDB journal exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition is

The percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB collection's data. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes. The threshold is specified when the alert is created.

Max disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB collection data exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk I/O % utilization on Index Partition is

The percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB index data. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes.

Max disk I/O % utilization on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB index data exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk I/O % utilization on Journal Partition is

The percentage of time during which requests are being issued to the partition that contains the MongoDB journal, if journaling is enabled. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes.

Max disk I/O % utilization on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum percentage of time during which requests are being issued to the partition that contains the MongoDB journal exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk Queue depth on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the average length of the queue of requests issued to the data partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk queue depth on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average length of the queue of requests issued to the data partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk Queue depth on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the average length of the queue of requests issued to the index partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk queue depth on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average length of the queue of requests issued to the index partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk Queue depth on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the average length of the queue of requests issued to the journal partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk queue depth on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average length of the queue of requests issued to the journal partition that MongoDB uses exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read IOPS on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read IOPS on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read IOPS on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read IOPS on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read IOPS on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read IOPS on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk read operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read latency on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read latency on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read latency on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read latency on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk read latency on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk read latency on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk read operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write IOPS on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write IOPS on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write IOPS on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write IOPS on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write IOPS on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write IOPS on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum average number of disk write operations per second exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write latency on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write latency on Data Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write latency on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write latency on Index Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Disk write latency on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Max disk write latency on Journal Partition is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of latency on disk write operations exceeds the specified threshold.

Restarts in Last Hour is

Sends an alert if the number of times a host restarts within the previous hour exceeds the specified threshold.

Host is Down

Sends an alert if Atlas is unable to reach a host for several minutes.


You should only configure this alert if you depend on secondary reads. For more information on secondary reads, see Tag Your Replica Sets and Read Preference.

This alert is generally triggered by one of the following conditions:

  • The cluster has experienced a failure and is being auto-healed.
  • The cluster could not be reached because of a network issue.

MongoDB Atlas checks that the downtime did not occur because of your actions, such as rolling index builds. If MongoDB Atlas confirms that the downtime was not intentional, MongoDB Atlas attempts to replace the affected node. If failures occur, Atlas clusters maintain node availability for both reads and writes as long as a majority of nodes are running. To learn more, see How does MongoDB Atlas deliver high availability?.

The following alert conditions apply to swap space usage:

Swap Usage: Used is

Sends an alert if the total amount of swap space in use reaches the specified threshold.

Swap Usage: Max Used is

Sends an alert if the maximum total amount of swap space in use reaches the specified threshold.

Swap Usage: Free is

Sends an alert if the amount of available swap space drops below the specified threshold.

Swap Usage: Max Free is

Sends an alert if the maximum amount of available swap space drops below the specified threshold.

The following host conditions do not apply to Atlas. Atlas will not generate alerts for the following conditions:

  • Memory: Mapped is
  • B-tree: accesses is
  • B-tree: hits is
  • B-tree: misses is
  • B-tree: miss ratio is
  • Effective Lock % is
  • Background Flush Average is
  • Accesses Not In Memory: Total is
  • Page Fault Exceptions Thrown: Total is
  • Cursors: Client Cursors Size is
  • Journaling Commits in Write Lock is
  • Journaling MB is
  • Journaling Write Data Files MB is

The following alerts apply to indexes on your collections. Either alert may indicate a missing or inefficient index.

See also:

To learn more about indexing to improve performance, see Indexing Strategies.

Query Targeting: Scanned / Returned

Sends an alert if the ratio of index keys scanned to documents returned meets or exceeds the specified threshold.

Query Targeting: Scanned Objects / Returned

Sends an alert if the ratio of documents scanned to documents returned meets or exceeds the specified threshold.

The following alerts apply to Cloud Backup snapshots.

Snapshot taken successfully

Sends an alert when a snapshot was taken successfully.

Fallback snapshot taken

Sends an alert when a regular backup fails, but Atlas was able to take a fallback snapshot.

Fallback snapshot failed

Sends an alert when a fallback snapshot fails.

Snapshot schedule fell behind

Sends an alert when a snapshot hasn't been taken over configured period.

Backup restore failed

Sends an alert when a restore fails.

Backup restore succeeded

Sends an alert when a restore succeeds.

Snapshot download request failed

Sends an alert when a download request fails.

The following alert conditions apply to replica sets:

Replica set has no primary

Sends an alert when a replica set does not have a primary. Specifically, when none of the members of a replica set have a status of PRIMARY, the alert triggers. For example, this condition may arise when a set has an even number of voting members resulting in a tie.

If Atlas collects data during an election, this alert might send a false positive. To prevent such false positives, set the alert configuration's after waiting interval (in the configuration's Send to section).

To find possible solutions for this alert, see Alert Resolutions.

Replica set elected a new primary

Sends an alert when a replica set elects a new primary.

Number of elections in last hour is > X

Sends an alert when the number of elections that have occurred in the last hour exceeds the user-specified value of X. The value of X is set when you create the alert. This alert may indicate that the cluster's replication is not in a healthy state, as evidenced by constant elections.

The following alert condition applies to sharded clusters:

Cluster is missing an active mongos

Sends an alert if Atlas cannot reach a mongos for the cluster.

The following alert conditions apply to serverless instances:

The following alert conditions apply to Atlas users.

Organization users do not have multi-factor authentication enabled

Sends an alert when one or more users in an organization do not have multi-factor authentication enabled.

User joined the project

Sends an alert when a new user joins the Atlas project.

User left the project

Sends an alert when a user leaves the Atlas project.

User had their role changed

Sends an alert when an Atlas user's project or organization roles have changed.

User joined the organization

Sends an alert when a new user joins the Atlas organization.

User left the organization

Sends an alert when a user leaves the Atlas organization.

The following alert conditions apply to your Atlas project.

Users awaiting approval to join project

Sends an alert if there are users who have asked to join the project. A user can ask to join a project when first registering for Atlas.

Users do not have multi-factor authentication enabled

Sends an alert if the project or organization has users who have not set up multi-factor authentication.

The following alert conditions apply to Atlas billing. You can configure billing alerts from the Atlas UI at the organization level or the project level.

To configure organization-level alerts, select your organization and navigate to Alerts.

To configure project-level alerts, select your project. Navigate to your project settings and then to Alerts, or click the icon in the top right corner of your project cluster view.


All amounts billed are in USD.

Credit card is about to expire

Sends an alert if the credit card on file is about to expire. The alert is triggered at the beginning of the month that the card expires. Atlas enables this alert when a credit card is added for the first time.

This condition applies to both organizations and projects.

Amount billed ($) yesterday is above the threshold

Sends an alert if the organization or project's last daily amount billed exceeds your configured threshold. Atlas does not account for any credits applied for the previous day when calculating the billed amount.

This condition applies to both organizations and projects.

Current bill ($) for any single project is above the threshold

Sends an alert if the monthly total for any project within the organization exceeds your configured threshold for all projects. When the current pending invoice closes, this alert resets.

This alert condition applies to organizations only.

Current bill ($) for the organization is above the threshold

Sends an alert if the monthly total for the organization exceeds your configured threshold. When the current pending invoice closes, this alert resets.

This alert condition applies to organizations only.

Organization's IdP certificate is about to expire

Sends an alert when an IdP certificate associated with an organization for which you have the Organization Owner role expires within 14 days. Atlas sends this alert daily until you acknowledge it.


Atlas creates this alert automatically when you map an organization to an IdP provider. If you remove the mapping, Atlas deletes all instances of this alert.

The following alert conditions apply to projects using Encryption at Rest using Customer Key Management.

AWS encryption key elapsed time since last rotation is above (n) days

Sends an alert if the AWS Customer Master Key (CMK) used by the Atlas project has been active for more than the configured number of days (90 by default). You can modify the alert threshold from the Alert Settings tab of the Alerts view.

Atlas automatically rotates MongoDB master encryption keys every 90 days, but does not rotate the project's CMK.

This alert resets automatically if you rotate the project CMK. For documentation on how to rotate your project CMK, see Rotate your AWS Customer Master Key.

Azure encryption key elapsed time since last rotation is above (n) days

Sends an alert if the Azure Key Vault Key Identifier used by the Atlas project has been active for more than the configured number of days (90 by default). You can modify the alert threshold from the Alert Settings tab of the Alerts view.

Atlas automatically rotates MongoDB master encryption keys every 90 days, but does not rotate the project's Key Identifier.

This alert resets automatically if you rotate the project Key Identifier. For documentation on how to rotate your project Key Identifier, see Rotate your Azure Key Identifier.

GCP encryption key elapsed time since last rotation is above (n) days

Sends an alert if the GCP Key Version Resource ID used by the Atlas project has been active for more than the configured number of days (90 by default). You can modify the alert threshold from the Alert Settings tab of the Alerts view.

Atlas automatically rotates MongoDB master encryption keys every 90 days, but does not rotate the project's Key Version Resource ID.

This alert resets automatically if you rotate the project Key Version Resource ID.

See also:

To learn how to rotate your project Key Version Resource ID, see Rotate your GCP Key Version Resource ID.

The following alert conditions apply to projects with configured maintenance windows.


You can only configure maintenance window alerts if a project has an active maintenance window.

Maintenance Is Scheduled

Sends an alert 72 hours prior to scheduled maintenance for a project.

Maintenance Started

Sends an alert when maintenance starts for a project.

Maintenance No Longer Needed

Sends an alert if scheduled maintenance is no longer needed for a project.

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