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Configure Database Users

On this page

  • Database User Authentication
  • Add Database Users
  • Modify Database Users
  • Delete Database Users
  • Built-in Roles
  • Specific Privileges

Create database users to provide clients access to the database deployments in your project. A database user's access is determined by the roles assigned to the user. When you create a database user, any of the built-in roles add the user to all database deployments in your Atlas project. You can remove the default built-in role and set specific privileges and custom roles to add the user to specific database deployments.

Database users are separate from Atlas users. Database users have access to MongoDB databases, while Atlas users have access to the Atlas application itself. Atlas supports creating temporary database users that automatically expire within a user-configurable 7-day period.

Atlas audits the creation, deletion, and updates of database users in the project's Activity Feed. Atlas audits actions pertaining to both temporary and non-temporary database users. To view the project's Activity Feed, click Activity Feed in the Project section of the left navigation. For more information on the project Activity Feed, see View All Activity.

The available Atlas built-in roles and specific privileges support a subset of MongoDB commands. See Unsupported Commands in M10+ Clusters for more information.

Atlas supports a maximum of 100 database users per Atlas project. If you require more than 100 database users on a project, contact Atlas support.


Atlas rolls back any user modifications not made through the UI or Atlas Administration API. You must use the Atlas UI or Atlas Administration API to add, modify, or delete database users on Atlas database deployments.

Atlas offers the following forms of authentication for database users:

A project can have users with different authentication methods.

You cannot change a user's authentication method after creating that user. To use an alternative authentication method, you must create a new user.

Select an authentication mechanism and follow the steps to create a new database user.

You can also add database users through the Atlas Administration API. See Create a Database User.

To modify existing users for an Atlas project:

  1. In the Security section in the left navigation, click Database Access. The Database Users tab displays.
  2. Click Edit for the user you want to modify. You can modify the privileges and authentication details assigned to the user. You cannot modify the authentication method.

    • For SCRAM authenticated users, you can edit a user's password.
    • For X.509 certificate authenticated users, you can download a new certificate.
    • For AWS IAM users, you can only modify database access privileges.

    For temporary users, you can also modify the time period the user exists or make the user a permanent user, provided the user's expiration date has not already passed.


    You cannot change a permanent user into a temporary user. If you change a temporary user into a permanent user, you cannot make it temporary again.

  3. Click Update User to save the changes.

You can also modify existing users through the Atlas Administration API. See Update a Database User.

To delete existing users for an Atlas project:

  1. In the Security section in the left navigation, click Database Access. The Database Users tab displays.
  2. Click Delete next to the user you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete again to confirm.

You can also delete existing users through the Atlas Administration API. See Delete a Database User.

The following table describes the Atlas built-in roles and the MongoDB Roles or privilege actions they represent.

Protected MongoDB Database Namespaces

The following databases are read-only for all users, including those with the atlasAdmin or clusterMonitor role.

  • admin
  • local
  • config

atlasAdmin has the update privilege on the config.settings collection to manage the balancer.

Atlas Built-in Role
MongoDB Role
Inherited Roles or Privilege Actions
Atlas admin
Read and write to any database
Only read any database

To learn more about common commands that Atlas doesn't support with the current Atlas user privileges, see Unsupported Commands in M10+ Clusters

The following table describes the Atlas specific privileges, the database it applies to, and the privilege actions they represent.

Atlas Specific Privilege
Privilege Actions
User configured
User configured except local and config
User configured
User configured
User configured
User configured except local and config
User configured except local and config
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