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Configure Cluster Access with the Quickstart Wizard

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The Atlas UI includes a Quickstart page to configure access to your cluster. To configure access to your cluster, you must do the following:

To configure access to your cluster from the Quickstart page:


In the Security section of the left navigation, click Quickstart. If Quickstart isn't availale in your UI left navigation, add Quickstart to your UI from your Project Settings page by toggling the Atlas Security Quickstart to On in the Project Settings page.


In the How would you like to authenticate your connection? section of the Quickstart page, you can configure one of the following options for your cluster.

See also:

You can enable access for any network that needs to read and write data to your cluster. To enable access, you can configure access from your local environment or the cloud environment for your cluster.


Once you have completed setting up database and network access for the first cluster in your project, Atlas disables access to Quickstart. You can enable it to revisit these configurations from a consolidated page.

A dialog displays prompting you to specify whether you wish to see the Quickstart page in your navigation. You can select or deselect the Hide Quickstart guide in the navigation checkbox to hide or add Quickstart to your navigation.

Alternatively, you can hide or add Quickstart to your navigation from your Project Settings page by toggling the Atlas Security Quickstart in the Project Settings page to Off or On respectively.


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